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This is not Chegg

My goal here is not to give you solutions to problems from your physics homework, because there are a lot of paid services that do that. I want to properly explain how to recognize the most common types of problems and the variations you may expect to see on exams and homework. As well as be a reference sheet with tips and explanations for the most common concepts in physics

Most important suggestion to understand physics

  • Get enough sleep. It's better to miss an assignment than to turn in garbage work for your 8 AM class that you spent all night on, then sleeping through the next lecture starting a vicious cycle.

  • Do it early. From day 1 of the semester, look at every assignment the day it's assigned, judge how long it will take, then try to finish 2 days early. It gives time to ask questions, take breaks, and the content is fresher from the lecture.

  • Office hours are not scary, if your professor's hours don't work for you (or they really are THAT mean) try another professor for the same subject. Asking for special hours or spam email really annoys most professors. If you come prepared with specific questions and can explain what you've tried so far, you will get better answers.

  • Have a study group that isn't just sharing answers, but actually explains the path to the solutions. Befriend the smart kid that finds the professor's mistakes without being rude about it, if they enjoy correcting the professor, they might enjoy correcting you.

  • Ask a stupid question, once a day doesn't hurt, and most stupid questions aren't that stupid, sometimes the professor forgot something.

  • Your school might have tutoring, sometimes it's free. Most tutors are tired of doing people's HW for them, so bring the really hard questions or ask them to explain why something works from a more basic principle.

  • The textbook isn't terrible, it's wordier than I am, and has more examples than I want to make here

  • it's just algebra. Review the basic moves for solving equations and doing as much as possible symbolically will help find bugs and understand trends. Put the unit circle on your bathroom mirror until you memorize it, you will be expected to know it by most calc 2 and 3 professors.

  • Don't do every problem in the book, sure it helps, but exploring a common problem by doing it in different ways (ie kinematics vs work energy) or changing the direction of a force gives a better understanding of trends or better approaches to solving the problem.


This website was inspired by Paul's Online Math Notes when a student I was tutoring in calculus asked me if there was a resource with explanations and generalized examples for her physics 1 class, and there will be if I finish this website. I wish I knew how to make dark mode look good. This website is loosely based on the Freedman and Young physics textbook




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